To do this, the player only needs to have a Sim with drug dealer Create property and move into the neighborhood. The Sims can buy, sell, and use the drugs. Meanwhile works Filip for 6 months on the " Basemental“Mod, it contains 4 different drugs - cocaine, MDMA, amphetamines and weed. This first mod was then gradually expanded with further functions. As the modder Filip Stumbled upon this fact, the creative spirit started to create mods with which, for example, the cocaine line was "sniffable" for the residents.

But none of that was usable for your virtual residents. Some relevant items were available, such as a cocaine line or a bong. The Sims 4 inherently offers a tremendous amount of options for your Sims, from astronaut up to vampire almost anything is possible. Created for The Sims 4 and earned well in the process. The colleagues from Kotaku report today about a mod creator of drugs, drug trafficking, consumption ect. The virtual drug trade in The Sims 4 (buy on Amazon *) for a respectable monthly salary of approx $ 6,000 is new. We know that drug traffickers make a lot of money from Breaking Bad and other TV series at the latest.