To remove the vampire trait and revert a Sim, use traits.remove_trait trait_OccultVampire. t_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 will begin the natural conversion process, while traits.equip_trait trait_OccultVampire will make them a vampire immediately. Refund vampire power points and reset the power board. Command Powers used on Vampires Offspring always succeed.Ī True Master not only excels at Mind Control Powers, they also have greater stores of Vampires Energy to call upon. I am the Master grants supernatural control. Sims are more likely give permission to Drink. Vampires with Regained Humanity seem kinder and safer. This will max your vampires rank and give you 2 power points. t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1593 t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1486 t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 1058

t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 630 t_stat rankedStatistic_Occult_VampireXP 202 Vampire – Powers, Rank, Power Points Increase Vampire Rank Cheat Code t_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160Ĭhange your Sim into a Vampire in a few days (natural transition) Vampire Cheats Turn Sim into a Vampire / Cure Vampire Cheat Code Input the cheat code testingcheats true first before entering the cheats below. Use the Cheat Console by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C.

Sims are more likely give permission to.Change your Sim into a Vampire, give them free Power Points, Unlock Powers and max out Skills. Really fun game: how to cheat vampire powers sims 4, The sims 4 weles vampires game pack this month with supernatural powers a new world sims 4 cc kids clothing sims 4 sims my sims 4 tribrid trilogy how to make vampire witch mermaid with fixed vampire mermaid witch powers mod the sims airianna s vampire tweaks sims energy reduction vampire mod the sims expanded mermaids sims 4 the sims 4 packs sims 4 game mods on sims 4 on sims 4 random vampire power posepack natalia auditore on patreon sims 4 sims natalia prototype ai trait reuploaded sweetrolls at mod the sims sims 4 updates sims 4 traits sims sims 4 mods multiple outfits per category multiple outfits outfits multiple Free Vampire Power Points Cheat - YouTube. Bucksunlock_perk DetectPersonality true 40961 targetsim Unlocks the power.Ĭheats for Unlocking Your Vampire Powers. Free Vampire Power Points Cheat - YouTube. If you want to make your Sim a vampire immediately use this vampire cheat. Play: Mod The Sims Expanded Mermaids Sims 4 The Sims 4 Packs Sims 4 Game Mods Game Description: Mod The Sims Expanded Mermaids Sims 4 The Sims 4 Packs Sims 4 Game Mods How To Cheat Vampire Powers Sims 4 Press CTRLSHIFTC and enter testingcheats true.